From high-rise maintenance of buildings, onshore and offshore wind turbines, oil rigs, radio masts, bridges and statues; to weed eradication and flora control on remote cliff top environments – our team of multi-skilled and highly specialised abseil rope access technicians can get the job done!
Permanently attached to the main structure using two separate ropes anchored at two different points, our highly skilled technicians can access any point on the building or structure, ensuring their absolute safety. The dual tethering gives the technician freedom of movement and allows work to be performed anywhere on the structure – even if the structure has a challenging shape.
Expert skill and safety are the number one priorities at Height Access, and all our rope access technicians are either IRAANZ (Industrial Rope Access Association New Zealand) or IRATA (Industrial Rope Access Trade Association) trained and certified. IRAANZ and IRATA training is stringent and follows a strict set of guidelines that focus on safety and dedicated team-work.
Trainees have to pass written and practical examinations before being certified at the basic level. Subsequent qualifications require a minimum number of ‘on-rope’ hours and abseil rope access work experience, as well as further written and practical examinations. As a result, the abseil rope access accident rate is far lower than that of comparable industries, with only one fatality in the last two decades.
While the list of applications for abseil rope access work is ever growing, abseil rope access projects can be divided into five main categories:
Abseil rope access is incredibly cost effective too, because there’s no need for expensive cherry picking machinery or time-consuming scaffolding, which means teams can be deployed quickly, faults can be corrected at an early stage, and maintenance work can be done efficiently and with minimal disruption. And you don’t just save time and money on unnecessary scaffolding, you save on man hours too because of the highly efficient way the technicians and tools are tethered.
So it’s a no-brainer really – if you need high-rise fault fixing, engineering, maintenance or environmental and geotechnical work done, call the abseil rope access experts at Height Access – we provide safe and skilled solutions for all your high-rise problems.